Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Raving Fans

A good friend and client recently gave me the book "Raving Fans" written by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles. Ken Blanchard is the author of the "One Minute Manager" series of books. Raving Fans is a very easy-to-read and short business book about delivering extraordinary customer service and creating not just "satisfied customers", but Raving Fans! It is written using a golf motif.

Charlie is a Fairy Godmother (due to the Celestial Equal Opportunities legislation) who loves to play golf. His job is to teach the Area Manager the three magic secrets of creating Raving Fans. According to Charlie, the Area manager's "customers are a revolt waiting to happen. They're only satisfied because their expectations are so low and because no one else is doing any better. Your [the Area Manager's] customer service slogan should be" No Worse than the Competition."

I won't ruin the book for you, but I highly recommend Raving Fans for anyone in the service business, and in one respect or another, we are all in the service business.

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